This English Proficiency Test Book is designed for STIESI students taking the English Practicum Course in the third semester. The book contains three suitableEnglish language proficiency test types, i.e., listening, structure, written expression, and reading. These refer to the international English proficiency test, namely TOEFL ITP® (Test of English as a Foreign Language – Institutional Testing Program), issued Educational Testing Service (ETS), Princeton, New Jersey, United States of America. Its certificate is required for STIESIA students' graduation. Otherwise, students will take a local English test called CEP (Certification of English Proficiency) when their scores are required.Therefore, thepractice test book includes samples of listening, structure, and reading tests that can pursue students' understanding of how to accomplish the international and local English tests.
Penulis : Nanis Setyorini, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D. & Mohammad Faisal, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Jumlah Halaman :iv + 50
Tanggal Terbit : 13 September 2021
ISBN : 978-623-7603-93-1
Penerbit : Kyta
Ukuran :16 cm x 23 cm